Here we are at the end of the first stage of DRAG RACING

Here we are at the end of the first stage of DRAG RACING

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Good morning from Arad!
Here we are at the end of the first stage of DRAG RACING in the National Championship organized by RoDrag Racing in Romania
First of all, we want to thank all the drivers who trusted us and came to the race, even if it was our first stage.
We want to thank the public that was in such large numbers during the two days, we hope you had a good experience with us and we are waiting for you at the next stage from June 1-2 in the same location at the Arad International Airport.
We continue with the appreciations and we want to thank all the people from our STAFF, you were extraordinary, the involvement was 100%, without you we would not have managed to reach this level of organization.
We thank the sponsors who supported us: Carsx Garage, DOP Motorsport, WRT Parts, Turbosystems, Consuel Transport, Turboworks, Calif Militari, Costea Automobile, Drive smart, Cofetaria Rusanesti, DEY Security, Arad City Hall, Arad Municipal Cultural Center, International Airport Arad, FRAS, Repsol Racing, ISU, Gendarmerie, Romanian Police, Red Cross, and everyone who was with us.
After this first stage, we made a list of pluses and minuses, we know what we have to do for the next stage from June 1-2, and if you have feedback on what we can improve, leave a message.
Thank you once again to everyone!
